Monday 16 January 2012

"Epiphany" Film Plot Synopsis (Complete with 12 pt. Courier typeface)

A magical world once beautiful and tranquil is now in a state of complete anarchy, ridden with an economic crisis caused by an organisation of malicious outlaws, led by a mysterious and secretive commander known simply as ‘the Boss’.  After having spent many years attempting to pull the wool over the public’s eyes and hide the recession and this criminal organisation’s existence from all, the international government has abandoned its planet in its time of need and its authorised police force has effectively given up its attempts to maintain order.  Crime rates and poverty are rocketing all over.  Only an underground band of freedom-fighters known as the Crusade refuse to accept the overthrowing of their government.  Their aim is to stealthily rise above the malicious rule of the criminal organisation and eventually overthrow them, whilst also helping those in need, even if it means tending to them one person at a time. 
During the Crusade’s ongoing struggle to help reconcile the world and the peace it once cherished, the leader of the Crusade, Pixel the magma-fairy, and the closest, most trusted of her fellow Crusaders –  Blue the nymph, Ninty the Brownie, Quicksilver the elf, and Tisk the sprite – make a shocking discovery.  It is when they find ancient, magical scrolls in what remains of a library within the ruins of a lost city that they discover their planet’s catastrophic predestined fate. 
Not only do these scrolls document historical events of all time periods accurately and in immense detail, but the Crusaders soon realise through observation that they accurately predict – or perhaps prescribe – the future, too.  Once they lose all doubt that this is indeed the case, and that, as the scrolls prophesise, the criminal organisation will become an unstoppable force and will once and for all conquer the planet, they take these scrolls back to the Crusade Laboratories.  Here they are scrutinised and tests are run to determine the kinds of magic they utilise – as well as who or what it is that has written them.  Eventually their scientists come to the shocking conclusion that they have not been written by an order of clairvoyant ancients or some kind of omniscient and omnipotent god as they had speculated, but are, in fact, the notes and scribblings of a young, aspiring author living in a parallel universe to their own, on a planet known as Earth. 
It soon becomes clear that if they do not find this author who is evidently controlling everything that happens in their world, then the fate of their lives, society and the planet they live on is doomed.  With the help of the scientists, the magic-technicians and the magical properties of the scrolls themselves, they construct a portal bridging the author’s dimension and theirs. 
After tumbling out into the modern, technological and magic-absent planet of Earth so different from their own, they begin their hunt for their quarry through their struggle to adjust to their new and alien surroundings, as well as hide their identities as non-human species.  When they do eventually spot their author from afar – finding that, despite having never seen them before, something innate within them causes them to recognise the author instantly – they realise that they are going to need to find a better planned and less alarming way to approach her.  However, after accidentally calling attention to themselves, the author catches a glimpse of them before they run out of sight.  Uncertain of what she has seen and suspicions aroused, the author chases after them.  After much effort and many close scrapes, the Crusaders manage to get away unseen – at least for the most part.  However, they are still faced with the daunting challenge of approaching their author, and convincing her that they are indeed the characters in her series of fantasy novels and not actors or fabrications of her imagination, on top of convincing her to alter their and their planet’s destiny. 

1 comment:

  1. They soon noticed they could implement their newly-identified expertise and generate a bit of money by holding out courier jobs.

