Saturday 28 January 2012

Coming up with a title for the film

When attempting to think of a title for my ficticious film, at first I considered something along the lines of the expression "when imagination comes to life", due to the fact that the plot is about characters who are effectively from a fantasy novel - fabrications of a young aspiring writer, or at least that is what they appear to be on the face of it.  However, similar to the upcoming Pixar film "Brave", what I really wanted a title that summed up the theme of the film in a single word.  Using a thesaurus, I made a mind map of ideas and notes in order to help me develop and solidify my idea of what the title could be, and hopefully reach a point where I found one that I was pleased with:


However, I didn't come up with anything that I was pleased enough with to use.  So, I decided to change my perspective and focus on a different aspect of the story.  Because the characters from the magical world have to convince the author both that they are real and of the damage and distruction she is causing in their world, and how if she ends her series of novels in the terrible and apocalyptic way that she plans to, I decided to try to think of words and titles that relate to this:


I decided to go for the title, "Epiphany".

I decided to go for this title for various reasons.  Firstly, there are epiphanies happening all over the place throughout the story - the epiphany that who or what it is that is writing the scrolls, depicting the past and prescribing the future, is not an order of clairvoyant ancients or an omniscient and omnipotent god, but a young, aspiring author: a person who has opinions and feelings, which means that there may be a chance that if they can somehow get through to their author, then they can change their predestined cataclysmic fate; the epiphany that the characters have when they see their author for the first time, without needing further investigation they have an innate knowledge deep down within them that it is indeed the person whom they are looking at that is their author; the epiphany that the author has when she sees her characters up close for the first time that they are not actors but are indeed the characters she had, or thought she had, invented from her imagination, right there, real and in person - so I feel that the title "Epiphany" it is relevant.  Furthermore, I feel it has a dramatic and epic sound to it that suits the atmosphere of the film. 

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